Youngs Siding Community Association

The Youngs Siding Community Association is a group of local volunteers committed to building a friendly supportive community and enhancing our sensitive environment.
Local residents and landowners are encouraged to join the Association. Annual membership fees are $20.00 (family) or $10.00 (individual). Please contact the treasurer via the contact details on this page. All subscriptions go towards the running of community events and maintaining community facilities.

In the past few years we have, with the help of our partners and sponsors:

  • Developed a picturesque cricket oval which is home to our iconic cricket team The Swamprats.
  • Planted over 15,000 trees in the Lowlands Reserve with further plantings planned.
  • Installed car parks, rubber belting, lookouts, composting toilets and steps leading to local beaches.
  • Carried out flora and fauna surveys in the Lowlands Reserve to better understand local habitat and wildlife.
All community members are encouraged to attend our meetings and events. Everyone is welcome and we would love to have your input.
Committee Members Contact Details

SecretaryStephen Grimmer0439 804 204
TreasurerAard Brink9845 2118
CommitteeAdele Austin 
CommitteeSonja Beattie 
CommitteeJayne Taylor 
Hall hire Heather Marr9845 1556
Grounds and
oval maintenance 
Mark Wylde9845 1186
Hall maintenanceRhys Jones0427 853 620
Coastal reserveAndrew Dickinson9845 2070