Fire Brigade: minutes of last meeting [draft]

Held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th May 2015 at the fire shed

Present: Chris Langslow, Nevile Phillips, Sandra Frid, David Barr, Mike Caldwell, Martin Peterson, Tracey Donaldson, John Shapland.

Apologies: David Clarke, Kathy Williams, Nikki Bail, David McIntosh.

Previous minutes: Minutes from 3 March 2015 amended and confirmed. Proposed Tracey Donaldson, seconded David Barr

Business arising:

Correspondence in:

(* indicates items forwarded to Brigade members; ^ indicates items forwarded to all or some of the committee members, dependent on relevance)
Post: Nil

Correspondence out:
Email: Nil
Post: Nil


Fire Attendance:




General Business:

Next meeting: Tuesday 2nd June, 2015 at 7.30pm