Conservation and Environment

Lowlands Coastcare Group

The Lowlands Coastcare Group is a sub-committee of the Youngs Siding Community Association and comprises local volunteers committed to caring for and promoting the sustainable use of the Lowlands Coastal Reserve including the popular Lowlands Beach.

Lowlands is a crucial link in the south coast's regional reserve system which protects and maintains the environmental values of our coastline.

The LCG has been involved over a number of years with revegetating damaged and eroded areas, improving access on existing tracks by grading and belting and providing facilities at the beaches such as steps, lookouts, carparks, shelters and a toilet.

The group has also organised flora and fauna surveys to document the biodiversity of the reserve. A flora survey [2Mb PDF] was carried out in 2005 by Ellen Hickman and the fauna was sampled [2.6Mb PDF] at three times in the following year, by a team led by Sylvia Leighton. Both surveys used the same four sampling locations.

New members are always welcome and appreciated. If you would like to join the group please contact us through the or phone Brad Kneebone on 9845 2233.

Sydney Golden Wattle Bust

A group of dedicated weed busters has been meeting several times a year to eradicate Sydney golden wattle from properties adjoining and near to the nature reserve at Lowlands.

Armed with chainsaws, secateurs, saws and lots of enthusiasm they are having a noticable effect on these invasive plants.

The group's attack on Sydney Golden Wattle at Toni and Colin's property in June 2014

Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee

The Wilson Inlet Catchment Committee Inc. (WICC) is the peak community based organization in the Wilson Inlet Catchment. Its area of responsibility includes three local governments; the City of Albany, and the Shires of Plantagenet and Denmark.

WICC is involved in all areas of landcare, catchment management, and natural resource management, with offices in Mount Barker and Denmark. The management committee meets monthly, as well as holding regular meetings of the executive with the NRM Officer and Catchment Project Officer to ensure that they achieve their goals and objectives.

Torbay Catchment Group

This local group is committed to the implementation of the Torbay Catchment Restoration Plan. This is a comprehensive plan that identifies a broad range of tasks, with the Torbay Catchment Group and partner agencies working together with landholders to improve the health of the Torbay catchment.