Youngs Siding Information

Youngs Siding is at latitude 35°0'S and longitude 117° 30'E. The townsite is at an elevation of about ten metres but the coastal sand dunes and the local Tennesee Hills rise to around 170 metres.

The name "Youngs Siding" refers to both a small settlement and the district surrounding it, within the City of Albany. As the name suggests, the town was originally a station on the railway line which linked Albany and Denmark, but there are now few signs indicating where the tracks used to be, although the main street still carries the name Station Street.

The town has a general store, a veterinary clinic, a volunteer fire brigade shed, automatic telephone exchange, district hall with tennis and basketball courts, a sports oval with pavilion and 13 houses.

The region has a mild Mediterranean climate with warm dry summers and cool wet winters. The closest official Bureau of Meteorology station, where the following weather data were recorded, is at Denmark, approximately 15 kilometres to the west.

July is the wettest month and January is the driest. The annual average total rainfall is 1000 millimetres. July on average has 23.3 days when some rain is recorded while January has only 7.5. The highest (in the years between 1951 and 1984) daily rainfall was 84 millimetres (in May) and the highest recorded monthly total was 292 (in August). The average daily hours of sunshine ranges from 4.2 in June to 8.3 in January.

The hottest month is January and the coldest is July. The highest temperature recorded (in the years between 1951 and 1984) was 43.9° Celsius and the coldest was -1.7° C. The average 9.00am. relative humidity varies from 69% in January to 84% in May, June and July. The average 9.00am. wind speed is surprisingly constant with a range throughout the year of 9.4 to 13.4 kilometres per hour.

More details and the forecast for the next few days

Cattle and sheep farming are the most common agricultural pursuits, but there is also some mixed vegetable, potato and fruit horticulture.

The natural beauty of the area, especially around the picturesque Lowlands beach, means that it is a favourite with tourists, so Youngs Siding has a variety of short-stay accommodation businesses, that cater for walkers on the Bibbulmun Track and cyclists on the Munda Biddi Trail, both of which run through the area. A diverse range of largely home-based enterprises, for example earthmoving, mecanical repairs, psychologists and music teachers, are also available in the region. Some of these are advertised on our local enterprises page.

Environmental protection of the fragile region, especially around the shores of Wilson Inlet, the Lowlands Coastal Reserve and Nenamup Inlet, features strongly in the community’s vision and several groups work hard to maintain the high quality of the surrounding environment.